Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Spirituality of a Stroke

Jill Bolte Taylor, a brain scientist, observed and studied her own stroke as it was happening. She speaks purely from a scientific (read: secular) point of view and there are some pretty cool insights. The thing that struck me most though was the spiritual nature of the things she felt as she began to lose brain functions one by one. While some might say that this is evidence that spirituality is therefore all just in our heads - ie. we make it up because our brains have the capacity to do so, I say that this is, at the same time, still consistent with the Church's teaching that we, as humans, are both biological AND spiritual. These two aspects of our human experience are intimately connected and Ms. Taylor's breakdown is perhaps an observation peeking into the way that God wired us, showing us the potential of the spiritual depth we are capable of.

Anyways, the video is an interesting watch though it's kinda long (20 minutes). She kinda has this whole new age vibe thing going on.


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