Tuesday, October 14, 2008

which side are we on?

From this NEWSWEEK ARTICLE, it seems there's a line not between Dems and Reps, nor Catholics and non-Catholics, but between prominent Catholics themselves within the Catholic Church! But the line seems to be between the bishops and some theologians and politicians!

I think it's a very well written and thought-out article by George Weigel who also wrote the late John Paul II's biography, Witness to Hope (I HIGHLY recommend EVERYONE to read it).

I don't mean to be all political AGAIN on this blog, but it IS George WEIGEL!!!!

1 comment:

Colin said...

It really is a bit scary to think what could happen. Just imagine Catholic hospitals having to close and doctors/nurses losing all those jobs. They don't realize the vacuum in care they would create. Nor do they realize that so much of the work done for pregnant women at risk is done by pro-lifers. It's a tragedy...