Monday, November 24, 2008

Post-Con Winter Break commitment

For the next two months or so, we will be having a series of posts off of the Post-Confirmation class' Winter Break commitment. There are three parts to this commitment which the entire class has committed to doing every day until the next CM class (January 11, 2009):

1. Reading a chapter of Proverbs
2. Praying for something they would like God to do in their life
3. Praying for something or someone else

We have been learning and realizing that being Catholic is not just about going to Mass, Bible Study, CM, etc. In fact, in order to have the expression of our Catholic faith move from being a collection of "have-to's" to the more joyful journey of "want-to's," we must take responsibility for our own faith and like the Wise Bridesmaids, have our own oil. In order to get oil, we must develop a discipline of prayer and spending time with God. After all, how can you call a relationship a friendship if you don't spend any time with that person? The goal of the commitment is to focus on our own transformation and then from the overflow, reflect God's love to others (in this case, through prayer). Everyone is welcome to join us.

The goal of this series (entitled "Proverbs") is to provide encouragement, but also share some of the brief thoughts I have while I go through Proverbs with ya'll. Feel free to share your own by commenting.

Hopefully many of you (post-con students) have already followed through today, but if not, one thing that will be really helpful for you to figure out today is to choose and solidify the time when you will be praying. This will be crucial for the longevity of your commitment.

I know God is excited to chill with us.

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