Monday, February 16, 2009

[Sandwich Run] Realize the Reality

(Guest post by Daniel Fu)

This world is full of prejudice. There are judgments about any kind of people who are different, whether it is a variation of skin color, of where you are from, or of how you live your life. These are pre-judgments are caused by almost everyone around you; friends and peers, elders, and even teachers and authorities. One important group of people attacked by prejudice is the homeless.

Many times, the homeless are thought to be disrespectful, dumb, and dirty. They are often treated like animals, although they should not be. During this experience of the LTS sandwich run, all these prejudices were shattered and disappeared. I met a tall African-American man named Alexander. He was much more knowledgeable than I had expected him to be. He carried around a backpack, containing a dictionary, thesaurus, many pencils and pens, a notebook, and a binder stocked full with pages. In the notebook were his poems in work, which he created in his free time. In the binder was all of his inspiration, his important documents, and many poems and pictures. He had Rosemary read out one of the poems he read, and it was the most amazing poem I’ve ever read. It made me realize many truths of reality.

In this one day, I learned how amazing of a person that anyone can be, no matter where they are from, what they do for a living, what they look like, or anything else. Prejudice is an illusion, and you just need someone to open your eyes and you will realize the reality.


Claire said...

:D haha Lots of rhetorical strategies! The facts shared about Alexander's backpack really fascinates me for some reason! I've kind of wondered what things homeless people carried around in their backpacks (am I being nosy?).

Claire said...

ack! Grammar mistake: I meant "fascinate" not "fascinates"
... subject verb agreement ><"