Monday, March 16, 2009

Science's "rightful" place??

Hey Mr. President (or anyone else that can help clarify for me),

Please explain what is REALLY meant by what you said about "restoring science to its rightful place" when you lifted the ban on embryonic stem cell research put in place by the former President. How come the other part of your executive order didn't make the news? (<--READ THIS LINK!!) Yeah, the one that undid the order by the former President that WOULD HAVE given more funds to adult stem cell research! Which up to now is ALREADY effective in a bunch of different therapies.
But of course, news about how an experimental embryonic stem cell therapy only caused the death of a little boy doesn't deter what you see as scientific progress, but actually the solution is just to throw more money at it! Yes, that would create more jobs, but how would these jobs compare to those jobs of the people that were in charge of Guantanamo Bay that you want closed? These jobs won't torture people, only kill them. And there's something different about these victims compared to those that are/were at Guantanamo Bay.

So please tell me, are you REALLY trying to help the citizens whom you are supposed to represent? Oh, and by the way, those fetuses that are going to die because of embryonic stem cell research will die on U.S. soil, which would make them U.S. citizens, wouldn't they?

And my first question: Where exactly IS the rightful place for science to you Mr. President?

U.S. Citizen,


Anonymous said...

What is unbelievable to me is exactly what you said Henry; the fact that embryonic stem cells have thus far helped no one, yet investing primarily in it is considered the "scientific" move? Not only have adult stem cells actually been used in successful therapies but their pluripotent (that is, capability to differentiate into different types of cells) potential is only expanding. Let us be clear; Obama's decision is nothing more than a public gesture to continue trying to win over a public who is blinded more and more from the truth by a select few in science, politics, and media with a dangerous agenda. It is less of a scientific step forward and more of a middle-finger to those of us who uphold the sanctity of all life.

cathy said...

they've also discovered (2007, not even recent!) how to make skin cells into stem cells. this can potentially create an unlimited amount of stem cells! so now the question is, why embryonic?