Thursday, June 4, 2009

Demographic Winter

Alright, I have been posting a bit. But what else can I do during finals, study?

Someone recently sent me this link for a new documentary on overpopulation. Check out the trailer.

It's well worth your time. :)


cathy said...

this trailer kind of scared me so i looked up birth rate vs. death rate for 2007. It looks like our world population is still growing... for now. 10% of countries in the world (germany russia japan etc) have a decreasing population, while most other countries are still increasing... by at least 50%. but comparing to 2006 data... it is increasing at a decreasing rate, which means it will hit equilibrium if we don't steady the growth rate to increase again (dont have the time to do the math on that one). so, i think there is some validity to this, though the music is awfully scary.

the data i used:

henry said...

The world population is still increasing (for now). Although looking at birth and death rates are good, they don't give a full picture because they are snapshots of what increase/decrease in population is now.
To look ahead, we look at fertility rates. General consensus of replacement level is around 2.1 children per woman, which makes sense because it takes a man and woman to give birth (for now anyway :P ). If you look at most 1st world countries, the fertility rates are close and some are even below replacement rate. Fertility rates however have been dropping over the years!
Also, in combination with the birth/death rates, we also have to look at the population pyramid, or the age distribution of a population. Since if there are more people in an age section, when that "bulge" gets older, the death rate will skyrocket those years. So for a country like China, this their death rate will skyrocket when their "baby boomers" get to that older age, and having had a 1 child policy for about 30 years, they will be overly top heavy. (we can only speculate on their fertility rates when all the children of the 1 child policy comes to marrying age. Not to mention the Chinese preference for boys so wanting boys + sex selective abortions =not happy)

Anyway, these links may be helpful as well:

There's also the general social trend that as families get smaller, those kids in turn want even smaller families....generally. I think that's one reason why fertility rates have dropped so much.

I'd really like to watch this video...even with the scary music! hahaha