Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Do we seek to know God?

Have you ever been in Mass and while listening to the homily heard something that made you just sit back and say "whoa"? I just had to share something very simple yet so real that it is a serious challenge to all of us, especially when we find ourselves on religious "cruise-control".

In addressing a chapel full of students coming to Mass for the first time for the school year, the priest said this- "If in our daily lives we choose to put such little time into prayer and so much into distraction, when we finally turn to God in our time of great need, will we be surprised to discover that we do not know Him?"


Edward said...

Did he mean "we will not know Him" or "we will not be able to hear Him"?

Pat said...

Would the two be that different?

Edward said...

For me, hearing God is one thing but knowing why he said that (i.e. knowing him) is different.

Ok, ignore what I just wrote. I guess I am confusing knowing God and understanding God. So yes, you are right. The two are pretty similar.