Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dying Only To Be Reborn Again

I'm sure that some of you who follow this blog have noticed the lack of activity in the recent months. You may have thought to yourself, "There they go, starting a blog with high aspirations, but now it's fallen by the wayside. Typical..."

Or maybe not.

Yes, we are shutting this blog down. However, we have been planning something even more awesomer than you were possibly imagining. A shiny new blog AND a new website, all in one! Now an out-of-date blog and an out-of-date website can happen in one place! Well, hopefully not. The goal of this newly designed website is to leverage technology as a means for assisting the building of our community. We want to strive, as Pope Benedict says in his message for the 43rd World Communications Day, "to bring the witness of [our] faith to the digital world."

So without further ado, hold on to your butts since it's time to update your bookmarks and all that jazz:

For rss feeds like Google Reader and the like, you can subscribe to:

See you there.

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