Saturday, May 9, 2009

Catholic "State of the Union"

I just finished reading a talk given by Archbishop Burke at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast. I'm calling it the State of the Union Catholic style. He does an amazing job analyzing the Catholic Church in America today, the problems and challenges we face, and the only way to overcome. Anyways, if you have about 10 minutes or so, it is well worth a read. Here are some of his first words:

I come to you, this morning, with the deepest concern for our nation. I come to you, not as someone who stands outside of our nation but as a citizen who, with you as fellow citizens, takes responsibility for the state of our nation and, therefore, cannot remain indifferent and inactive about what most concerns the good of us all, especially those among us who are small, weak and defenseless...

1 comment:

Peter said...

A great speech by one of the great leaders of the Church in the United States speaking about the true topics of controversy in the US today. What struck me as I was reading the speech was the backlash I anticipated; "The Archbishop did not speak about other important issues, such as immigration or economic policies, how callous and single-minded." The answer, however, was immediately clear to me. We know the answers to those questions, we already know how important they are. What US Catholics, and Catholics everywhere, need to hear is not the ways they are doing well, but instead the ways they are falling dreadfully short. "A person who is well has no need of a doctor." The doctor is in. Remind us, Jesus, of how much we need You to guide our leaders, our nation, our very lives. And thank God for Archbishop Burke.