Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Vocations - Fishers of Men

Vocation Sunday (4th Sunday of Easter) was this past weekend. Often times, we think that discerning the vocation for our lives is just discerning whether or not to be clergy (namely a priest/ nun) or a layperson. That discussion usually takes place in our heads and basically amounts to, "I like girls," or, "I like boys," and that's that ;). Hopefully we all learned from this past Sunday's joint CM class that vocations is about the importance of learning to hear God's voice in our lives and that it's about living out of that relationship in its specificity and uniqueness for our lives.

For the guys, Joe Kim brought that home for us and clarified where the discernment for the priesthood plays a part in that. We watched "Fishers of Men" which is a video that was put out by the USCCB. With so much scandal coming to light in the recent years, Catholic priests have gotten a bad rap. This video really captures the essence and brings us back to the heart of the priesthood in an extremely compelling way.

I know I'm going out on a limb here seeing how hard it is to get you guys to talk in class, but what are your thoughts?

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