Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Upcoming Summer Conference

So I got something amazing in the mail and I am incredibly sad I won't even be around to check this out. But you guys should go. There is a Humanae Vitae Conference which will discuss and explain the encyclical focusing on the primacy of conscience, Theology of the Body. reproductive technologies, and women's health issues - including the connection between contraception and abortion. And if that isn't exciting enough, look at the speakers. Archbishop Burke, formerly of St. Louis but heading to the Vatican to be the new head of the Vatican court stuff. Plus Ralph McInerny who wrote "What Went Wrong with Vatican 2" and Janet Smith, one of the best speakers on contraception and Humanae Vitae. And there are more. But those are my three favorites. You can check out the website @ . And this is in Oakland on August 8th and 9th.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

That sounds interesting! Too bad I won't be around..