Friday, November 14, 2008

Logic and reason

I read this today and was BLOWN's from the personal conversion story of author and former atheist John C. Wright. Apparently, he said something like if the Vulcans had a church it'd be the Catholic Church...hahaha, yes, I confess, I'm a bit of a trekkie :P Anyway, here's what actually blew me away:

" I take the logical process of philosophy very seriously, and I am impatient with anyone who is not a rigorous and trained thinker. Reason is the tool men use to determine if their statements about reality are valid: there is no other. Those who do not or cannot reason are little better than slaves, because their lives are controlled by the ideas of other men, ideas they have not examined."

Hmm, is it any wonder why we see people talking and acting like what they see/hear on TV and the only place we learn logic in our schools is maybe a section of a chapter in our geometry class?! That's why the TV ads cost so much!!
yeah, that's right, he said slaves! the other parts are awesome too: check it out!


Anonymous said...

no longer slaves, i call you friends

cathy said...

:) i love her!

henry said...

Peter, only if you keep His commandments! :)