Saturday, February 7, 2009

Live Birth Abortion

Guys, I'm going to be honest, this makes me absolutely sick. This article explains how an abortion went wrong in 2006 and it resulted in a live birth. The clinic staff through the baby in a bag and put it in the trash and left it to die. They just recently took away the abortion doctor's license and are investigating whether to file charges. But get this, the woman who had the abortion is filing a lawsuit because ...

"she witnessed the murder of her daughter" and said she "sustained severe emotional distress, shock and psychic trauma which have resulted in discernible bodily injury."

"This is not about a pot of gold," said Tom Pennekamp, her attorney. "What this is about is right and wrong and making a statement, making sure it doesn't happen to other young women."

She realized that this was murder, hopefully. And hopefully she can find some peace in this horrible incident. But does everyone else? Do the district attorney's not get this, that a murder took place? And isn't this statement by the attorney, scary, making sure this doesn't happen to other young women? Well what about the child left in a trash can! It's scary that this baby, innocent child, is not viewed as valuable, as a human life.

This is why the abortion culture is so sick and twisted. Once you deny the right to life at one stage, it does not take a lot of logical steps to discover that a life born accidentally doesn't really have the right to life either. Yikes. Let's pray for the mother, all those involved in the abortion and killing of this child, and for the repose of this poor child.


1 comment:

henry said...

I think the title of this post would be more accurate as "infanticide."

Anyway, it's totally linked to the previous post about taking money away from curing illnesses to contraception and abortion. That's just the other side of the effects! If babies can be seen as unwanted, so can sick or old people (that are just making more carbon and sucking up oxygen and taking up space), right?

I think it's CRAZY people don't even realize what we as a culture are becoming! It's exactly what happened in pre WW2 Germany!! Unfortunately if we don't speak up more about it, our culture will only realize the wrongs AFTER it's too late.