Friday, May 1, 2009

One Alumni Responds to ND

Many of you guys know of the recent news that our president, Barack Obama, has been invited to speak at the commencement at Notre Dame, one of the many Catholic universities across our nation, and receive an honorary degree. You may or may not also know that this invitation has been condemned by over 50 bishops of the United States as contrary to the Catholic identity of Notre Dame. Why? Because our President is pro-abortion and increasingly pushing policies that destroy innocent human life. I will not get into all of those policies at the moment. Point being, to honor someone who is pro-abortion and contributing to the death of so many innocent babies, is contradictory to any Catholic institution and the Catholic faith. The USCCB clarified this in a document entitled Catholics in Political Life. Here is the important text:

The Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions.

Anyways, with that background, I give you the words of an alumnus of Notre Dame that I think ring with clarity in explaining why this invitation where Catholics are taking their stand (By the way, I picked this up from American Papist).

For many members of the Notre Dame Class of 2009, the uproar surrounding the university’s decision to honor Barack Obama with this year’s commencement address, and to bestow on him a doctorate of laws, has provoked strong feelings about what the ensuing conflict will mean for their graduation.

I know how they feel. Ten years ago, my heart was filled with similar conflicts as we came closer to the day of my own Notre Dame commencement and my commissioning as an officer in the United States Army.

You see, I was three months pregnant."

Full Article


henry said...

Have you guys seen this video? I think it's pretty well made:

henry said...

Not sure if anyone will see a comment on an older post, but I think this is a great article about how things have led up to the whole President Obama speaking at ND thing and how it's NOT political, but rather a cultural clash between Catholics and Catholic Universities. The last three paragraphs are actually really eye-opening about some universities...Definitely worth the read to the end!!